Monday, March 31, 2014

Student Council Election

Dear all,
I´m happy to inform you that the girls of 3D had the first student council election of the year.  It was exciting to listen to each of the candidate´s program, as well as to look at their colorful campaign posters.  After two rounds of nerve-wrecking voting, the results were as follows:

Class elected president:  Antonia Nuñez
Class elected formation president:  Paloma Matte
Class elected secretary:  Elena Pérez

Congratulations to the newly elected classroom officers !!!  Here´s some pictures to remember this important day...

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

English Reading Program

Reading is very important at VMA.  The girls are constantly learning new strategies to become better readers.  This week we learned a new strategy called  CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING.  Mastering this skill helps readers increase their reading comprehension.  Here´s some pictures of the girls working on this strategy.

Fechas importantes

Hitos Pastorales 2014

Monday, March 10, 2014

Things to Remember

  *  Sign your blue notebook everyday
  *  Math quiz every Thursday
  *  Spelling and Listening Quiz every Friday
  *  Sign your tests and quizzes when needed