Thursday, April 24, 2014


Please don`t forget your English Comprehension test tomorrow !!!

Book Day




How cool was to see the 10º D girls Reading to our 3ºD girls.  Not only because storytelling is fun...also because it`s something that bonds us together as a community!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Reading Comprehension Test April 25

¿Cómo puedo ayudar a mi hija a preparar la prueba de Reading Comprehension?

1)  ¿Sabe usar la estrategia de Check for Understanding usando post-its?
2)  ¿Sabe usar la estrategia de Go Back and Re-read?
3)  ¿Sabe usar la estrategia de PREDICTION? (p. 88 Red Book)
4)  ¿Sabe usar la estrategia de Flip de Sound?
5)  Making Questions, Using Speechmarks and Using Commas (Jolly Grammar)
6)  Repasar el vocabulario de Henry & Mudge y Iris & Walter (p. 3, 5, 13,15)

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Wednesday Retreat

This Wednesday the girls of 3D spent a day of retreat where they learned more about the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.  They watched a movie called THE MIRACLE MAKER and then took part in the VIA CRUCIS.  After this, they relaxed and handcrafted a hat decorated with Easter motives.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Science Test on April 9th

Dear crazy-scientists,

On Wednesday April 9th you will be showing me all you know about our amazing body system. But, what pages do you need to study? Students book p.19-30 and activity book p. 10-15. The test will have questions for you to think hard, but also some that are easy! If you are studying and you have a question, why don't you post it here? I'll be happy to answer them.
Thanks for such a great game today.

Miss DD

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

PRUEBA DE MATH 14 y 15 de Abril

Queridos papás,

El Lunes 14 y el Martes 15 de Abril tendremos la primera prueba de Math del año.  Es una prueba que se aplica tal como viene en la serie MY PALS ARE HERE.  Si quieren ayudar a sus hijas a repasar los contenidos de la prueba, porfavor usen el review chapter 1 y el review chapter 2  que se incluye en este blog.  Si quieren usar directamente los libros, pueden repasar el Chapter 1 y 2 del libro 3A  y la carpeta celeste.
 La nota promedio esperada en esta prueba es de 5,5