Sunday, May 25, 2014

Amiga secreta

¿ Por qué jugar a la amiga secreta ?

Además de ser entretenido, es una oportunidad de acercarse a alguna compañera con la que normalmente no te juntas.  Es una oportunidad de descubrir que uno es igual de feliz dando que recibiendo, y que un regalo hecho con tus propias manos tiene mucho más valor que uno comprado.  Felicitaciones 3D !!!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Math Test : May

Dear all,

Our next Math test will be on May 26 and  27.  Girls will be evaluated in subtraction skills, as well as problem solving using addition and subtraction.  (Chapters 3 and 4 of the math series).  If you want review worksheets, you will find them in this same blog.  If you bring the printed worksheets complete the day of the test, you will get a 0,5 bonus on your final grade !!!
Happy drilling !!!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother`s Day present

Dear moms,

I hope you all had a very happy MOTHE`R`S DAY this Sunday.  Look at some of your girls working very hard to finish your gift on time...

Monday, May 5, 2014

Installation: Behind the scene

Get a sneak peak of the installation ceremony, where our brand new student council received their pins !

Math contents for May

Dear Parents,

I have just published the last Math Review (Chapter 3) where you´ll find complimentary exercises to practice subtraction with and without regrouping with your daughter.  Happy drilling !